SC/ST Employees Parishat to celebrate Tipu Jayanti tomorrow

Former CM Siddharamaiah to be feted

Mysuru:  SC/ST Government Employees Parishat, Mysuru Division, will celebrate Tipu Jayanti at Rani Bahadur Auditorium, Hunsur Road, Manasagangotri at 10 am on Nov.25 (tomorrow).

Announcing this at a press meet here recently, the Parishat Hon. President Shantaraju said that the Jayanti is being celebrated, taking into consideration Tipu’s initiatives for the welfare of the oppressed classes.

Former Chief Minister Siddharamaiah will be felicitated and writer Prof. T.M. Mahesh’s work titled ‘Karnataka’s Anna Bhagya Scheme and Food Security’ (Karnataka Rajyada Anna Bhagya Yojane Mattu  Ahara Bhadrathe) will be released on the occasion, he said and added that the programme will also feature a seminar on current state of politics and the role of “AHINDA.”

Prof. T.M. Mahesh, Shivappa, Siddaswamy, Jayakumar and others were present at the press meet.

This post was published on November 24, 2018 6:24 pm