Seminar on “Recent trends in PCB Technology” on Apr.3

The Department of ECE, NIEIT, Mysuru, is organising a one-day national seminar on “Recent trends in PCB Technology” on Apr.3 at the college premises in Koorgalli.

R.Laxmi Sundri, Head, Aerospace division, Kaynes Technology, Mysuru, will inaugurate the function and deliver the keynote address. T.K. Chittaranjan, Director, NIE, will preside. Prof. T. Ananthapadmanabha, Principal, is the chief coordinator.

The objective of this seminar is to give exposure on technological developments achieved in the domain of PCB design and embedded systems.

Discussion on the important developments in the said field will be dealt by resource persons Santhosh Gundapi, General Manager, AT &S, Nanjangud; Sunil Shambhatnavar,  General Manager,  ALS, Bengaluru; Raghavendra Bhat, General Manager, Cloud – E, Mysuru; Lokanath, Head , Jupiter Design Technologies, Bengaluru.

The valedictory function will held on the same day at 3.30 pm at the seminar hall, Shankaracharya Bhavan, NIEIT.

For registration, contact the coordinators Dr. N.V. Archana  (9449014185) or  Pawan Bharadwaj  (9449052880).

This post was published on April 1, 2017 6:50 pm
