Senior Officials of SWR Mysuru Division conduct 15-hour field inspection

Mysuru Railway DivisionMysuru Railway Division

K. Ravichandran, Senior Divisional Engineer (Co-ordination), SWR, Mysuru, seen interacting with staff during field inspection.

Mysore/Mysuru: Following directions from Aparna Garg, Divisional Railway Manager (DRM), South Western Railways (SWR), Mysuru, Senior Officials of the Civil Engineering Department of Mysuru Division, conducted a 15-hour field inspection to underline the importance of safety in train operations.

The inspections focused on observing all operational safety protocols and zero tolerance towards accidents. The Senior Officials travelled from Mysuru to Karajgi via Arsikere, Birur and Davangere on board the special coach housing Oscillation Monitoring System (OMS).

Senior Civil Engineers in the territorial jurisdiction on the Trunk Line recorded critical aspects during the run. In the course of the inspection, the Officials interacted with gangmen and other staff engaged in maintenance of track. 

The staff engaged in maintenance of permanent way (tracks), signal and telecommunications, train operations and loco pilots were counselled reiterating the importance of safety in train operations in the backdrop of the vital role the Railways is playing in transportation of essential commodities to remote locations to mitigate the sufferings of the people affected by the lockdown.

During the interaction with trackmen, the officials exhorted them to never lower the guard in view of the critical times the nation is facing and that contribution of each one of us and at all levels was the need of the hour.

The Officials also reviewed the general preparedness of critical staff under safety category for their own well-being as also others by preventing the spread of Covid-19. The importance of wearing masks, using of hand sanitiser and maintaining safe distance at work-place was also emphasised. Staff were distributed protective face masks, sanitisers, etc. The supervisors were also instructed to ensure uninterrupted supply of food at all times to field staff.

K. Ravichandran, Senior Divisional Engineer (Co-ordination) led the team comprising Civil Engineers of North, Central and West Sub-Divisions.

During the inspection, the condition of physical assets like bridges, turnouts, etc. were checked. The arrangements at unmanned and manned level crossings were also reviewed, according to a press release from Priya Shetty, Divisional Commercial Manager and PRO.

This post was published on April 2, 2020 6:39 pm
