South Western Railway Mysuru Division ranked fourth in punctuality

Mysuru: By maintaining the punctuality performance percentage of 97.36%, South Western Railway (SWR)  Mysuru Division has ranked fourth among Indian Railways and first in South Western Railway.

This outstanding performance is achieved in spite of sharp increase in maintenance of blocks of various safety activities in double fold.

On an average 126 trains are being dealt by Mysuru Division daily including 64 passenger trains and 62 express trains. Out of the above, 70 trains are originated from different terminals of Mysuru Division and 56 are passing through trains. This punctuality performance was achieved through continuous monitoring and following up   the suggestions given by passengers.

Compared to last year’s percentage of 97.57%, the  punctuality performance has come down slightly by 0.21% due to various safety maintenance activities planned across Division, according to a press release from Dr.S. G. Yathish, PRO and Sr. Divisional Commercial Manager.

This post was published on March 17, 2018 6:37 pm
