Sri Krishna Gana Sabha to host Annual Music Competition

Mysuru:  Sri Krishna Gana Sabha has organised the Annual Music Competition on Nov.21 from 10 am onwards at Sri Krishna Temple in Gokulam 3rd Stage here.

Competitions will be held in the following categories: Classical Music (Vocal and Instrumental), Bhavageete or Bhaktigeete and Janpada Geete for the age group of 6-10 years (Sub-Junior), 11-15 years (Junior) and 16-25 years (Senior).

Sub-Junior: Classical Music — Devotional Song or Devaranama.

Junior: Keerthane composed by one of the Trinity — Tyagaraja, Muthuswami Dikshitar and Syama Sastri. Duration not more than 5 mins.

Senior: Composition by any one of the Trinity with Raaga and Swara Prastana. Duration not more than 10 minutes.

First prize of Rs.500, 2nd prize of Rs.400 and 3rd prize of Rs.300 with a memento and certificate will be given to the winners. All the participants will be given participatory certificates with a memento. Consolation prizes may also be given for the deserving.

Special cash prize of Rs.3000 for the winner and Cash prize of Rs.2,000 for the runner-up will be given in the in Senior Classical Music (Vocal) category.

Entries are to be registered in the Temple Office from 9 am to 11 am and from 6 pm to 8 pm before Nov.19.

For details, contact Ph: 0821-2411148 or Mob: 94493-22714 with particulars of age, class and contact number.

Prizes will be distributed on Nov.25 at 6 pm. Event is sponsored by H.R. Balakrishna, Joint Secretary of the Sabha.

This post was published on November 16, 2018 6:26 pm
