Sri Ramanjaneya Sangeetha Sabha to host Classical Music Fest in city from Sept. 4

The very name Mysuru embarks a cultural scene, a city which has contributed extensive music and legendary musicians to the world of Karnatak music. No Karnatak history can be well- defined without the names of Veene Subbana, Veene Seshanna, Mysore Vasudevacharya, Pitilu Chowdiah and others.

Sri Ramanjaneya Sangeetha Sabha is one among prominent Sabhas in Mysuru, promoting classical music. This organisation is patronised by a group of eminent personalities that include D. Sudhanva, Balaji Sreenivasan, renowned violinist Mysore Manjunath, M.Ravi and S. Srinidhi.

In connection with Sri Krishna Jayanti, this Sabha is conducting a special music festival for six days featuring reputed national and international level musicians this year as follows:

On Sept. 4, inaugural concert will be by renowned musician Sangeetha Vidyanidhi Dr. Vidyabhushana who will be accompanied by Vid. M.S. Govindaswamy on Violin, Vid. H.L. Shivashankaraswamy on Mridanga and Vid. M.R. Manjunath on Ghata.

On Sept. 5, talented flautist Vid. Mysore A. Chandan Kumar, who is the great grandson of Pitilu Vidwan T. Chowdiah, will be performing with Vid. Matturu Srinidhi on Violin, Vid. B.C. Manjunath on Mridanga and Vid. Sunaad Anoor on Kanjira.

On Sept. 6, grand vocal concert by an upcoming and well-known vocalist from Chennai, Vid. Ramakrishna Murthy, who will be accompanied by Vid. Mysore M. Nagaraj on Violin, Vid. K.U. Jayachandra Rao on Mridanga and Vid. Guruprasanna on Kanjira.

On Sept. 7, for the very first time in Mysuru, Vidu. Vani Sathish and Vidu. Poornima Bhat Kulkarni will be presenting a Karnatak and Hindustani Jugalbandi. They will be accompanied by Vid. C.N. Thyagarajan on Violin, Pt. Sriram Bhat on Harmonium, Vid. Tumkur B. Ravishankar on Mridanga and Pt. Gurumurthy Vaidhya on tabla.

On Sept.8, introducing a very talented mandolin player Vid. Arvind Bhargav, student of Padmasri U. Srinivas. He will be accompanied by Vid. M. Sumanth on Violin, Vid. A. Radesh on Mridanga and Vid. Vysavittala on Kanjira.

On Sept. 9, final concert of Krishna Jayanti Music Festival will be by Vid. Palakkad Sriram on Vocal, accompanied  by Vid. B.K. Raghu on Violin, Vid. Tumkur B. Ravishankar on Mridanga and Vid. Manjoor Unnikrishnan on Ghata.

All concerts will be held at Sarada Vilas Centenary Hall in Krishnamurthypuram and concerts start at 6 pm. For details, contact S. Srinidhi on Mob: 96112-66066.

This post was published on September 1, 2017 6:35 pm
