Staging of play tomorrow

Marking the veteran theatre director B.V. Karanth’s birth anniversary, Rangabandi, Malavalli, has organised staging of play ‘Sambanja Annodu Doddadu Kana’ at  Kiru Rangamandira in city on Sept. 18 at 6 pm.

The play is directed by former Rangayana Director H. Janardhan (Jenni). It is a collection of small stories written by Devanur Mahadev and Dr. Rajappa Dalwai has brought it out as a play. Chinthan Vikas is the music director and stage-setting is done by H.K. Vishwanath Parikar and Santhosh Kumar. K.R. Sumathi has taken up stage management. Before staging of play, Jenni will sing theatre songs. For details, call Mob: 70229-40964.

This post was published on September 17, 2022 3:34 pm