Students urged to develop appropriate self-esteem

Mysuru: “Self-esteem is a feeling of recognition, a sense of worth is an important human need; therefore all out efforts need to be made to develop it,” said Dr. N.N. Prahallada, former Associate Professor in Education, Regional Institute of Education (RIE), Mysuu.

He was addressing the gathering at the valedictory function of the Literary Club of the Post-Graduate students of the Department of Studies in English, University of Mysore, for the academic year 2016-17.

Dr. Prahallada further said that self-esteem is our attitude to other people’s opinion about us. It gives us self-confidence and we respect ourselves as others respect us. Students with self-esteem will be more confident and face problems of life boldly and will never commit suicide.

Self-esteem acts as a catalyst to keep us active and promote balanced personality, self development and greater achievement, he said and opined that everyone must develop optimism in life and avoid pessimistic attitude.

Prof. M.H. Rudramani,  Chairperson, Department of Studies in English, Manasagangothri, was present along with the faculty and students. Nidhi Gummadi, PG Student, comperd.

This post was published on May 9, 2017 6:42 pm
