Swaraanubhuthi: A musical evening for a cause

S.P. Balasubrahmanyam (SPB) and Divya Raghavan to perform at KSOU Convocation HallS.P. Balasubrahmanyam (SPB) and Divya Raghavan to perform at KSOU Convocation Hall

S.P. Balasubrahmanyam (SPB) and Divya Raghavan to perform at KSOU Convocation Hall on Feb.9

Mysuru/Mysore: It is said, “Music touches the hearts where words alone can’t.” And for this reason, Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement’s (SVYM) annual musical event ‘Swaraanubhuthi’ carries the message of ‘compassion and care for fellow humans’ embedded in the soulful voice of S.P. Balasubrahmanyam (SPB) to be delivered straight to our hearts. 

The musical event happening in Mysuru this February is aimed at raising funds for SVYM’s Palliative Care Programme along with generating awareness about the need of palliative care in our society. Palliative Care is dedicated to serving individuals with serious life limiting conditions like cancer, HIV, stroke, cardiac conditions, spinal cord injury and cerebral palsy etc.  

Swaraanubhuthi, meaning ‘empathy through musical notes’ encourages the community to step forward for fellow humans by contributing and becoming a part of this musical movement. 

Joining SPB at KSOU Convocation Hall in Mysuru on Feb.9 at 5.30 pm is Divya Raghavan, a well-known name in Kannada film industry.

Last year, funds raised from Swaraanubhuthi helped in starting the Palliative Care Centre in Mysuru inside PKTB Hospital, in collaboration with Mysore Medical College & Research Institute (MMC&RI). This year, the funds will be used for expanding the programme so that more deserving people can be served free of cost.

There are chronically ill individuals out there who have to choose between meal or medicine, who forego free treatment at Government Hospitals because they can’t afford a bus ticket, who choose death over treatment to reduce financial burden for their families. 

Every single rupee collected by selling of event tickets will contribute to free of cost care to individuals through SVYM’s Palliative Care Programme. Yearly palliative care for an individual under SVYM’s palliative programme roughly amounts to Rs.16,000. This includes pain management through institutional and home-based medical care, psychosocial support, social entitlements like Below Poverty Line pension, mobility aids and training family members to provide care at home etc. 

Even a little support by way of money, voluntary work, kind words and moral support can immensely benefit the less fortunate brothers and sisters so that they may spend their remaining days with less pain & suffering and embrace death with dignity. One can donate, become a sponsor or buy tickets for the event. 

For details, contact Dr. Vibha on Mob: 94498-93820 or Prathibha on 91136-59127 or Suprith on 88616-94057 or Parvathi on 99004-08284.

This post was published on January 30, 2020 6:07 pm
