Take COVID-19 vaccine without worry: PAGE appeals to people

PAGE appeals covid-19 vaccinePAGE appeals covid-19 vaccine

Dr. Pratibha Pereira, Secretary General, PAGE, is seen addre-ssing during the interaction at Pathrakarthara Bhavan as Dr. Hanumanthachar Joshi (third from left), President of PAGE, Mysuru Chapter and others look on.

Mysore/Mysuru: People’s Association for Geriatrics Empowerment (PAGE), Mysuru Unit, has appealed to the citizens to take the vaccine no matter whether they have Corona symptoms or not, as per guidelines issued by Union Health Ministry.

Office-bearers of PAGE had conducted an interactive session on disbelief about COVID-19 vaccine and true picture at Pathrakarthara Bhavan recently.

Dr. Hanumanthachar Joshi, Principal, Sarada Vilas Pharmacy College and President of PAGE, Mysuru Chapter said, there will be no side-effects by taking Covishield vaccine. The citizens must take vaccine to prevent the spread of pandemic in society. “Covaxin is a kind of vaccine and if taken, people may experience pain in hands and legs or fatigue. Apart from this, there will be no other major side-effects. People must not heed to canard against two vaccines,” he added.

He said so far, there was no clarity whether or not pregnant ladies can take this vaccine. Apart from this, there will be no side-effects by taking the jab.

Dr. Pratibha Pereira, Head, Department of Geriatrics, JSS Medical College and Secretary General, PAGE, said the Government of India has approved two vaccines, Covishield and Covaxin.  The Covaxin will work inside body for eight to nine months. “There was mention of Corona in medical textbooks while I was doing MBBS. That time it was spreading among animals but now this virus was seen in human beings. The Government-approved vaccines are quite safe and people can take it without worry,” she added.

Dr. P.L. Basavanna, Head, Clinical Pharmacology, Mysore Medical College and Research Institute and Vice-President, PAGE, and others participated.

This post was published on March 26, 2021 6:36 pm
