‘Take steps to check spread of pandemic in rural areas’

Chamarajanagar: B.B. Cauvery, Director, Directorate of Municipal Administration, Bengaluru, who is also the Chamarajanagar District in-Charge Secretary, has stressed the need to take strict measures to bring down the number of Corona positive cases and deaths in the district and also to arrange treatment for both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients.

Chairing a meeting to take stock of COVID-19 pandemic here yesterday, she said the  people even with mild symptoms must be admitted to hospital immediately so as to start treatment. 

Many die as they neglect their health condition and go to doctor when they become serious. It will be difficult for the doctors to save such patients. 

Private Clinic Doctors must send the patients visiting them with COVID symptoms to the Government Hospitals to get tested for COVID. Those doctors who will not do so and continue treatment at the initial stages and later send critical patients to Government Hospitals must be considered seriously and warned, she said. Expressing her concern over the virus spreading to rural areas, Cauvery directed officers to step up COVID tests in rural areas for the early detection and treatment of infected people.

The District Administration has launched lots of campaigns in rural areas to make people aware about the importance of following the safety protocol to avoid from contracting the virus. The COVID positive patients must be identified and admitted to COVID Care Centres at the earliest. 

Deputy Commissioner Dr. M.R. Ravi said that house-to-house survey has been launched to identify people suffering from SARI and ILI and shift them to hospital for treatment. There are possibilities of Corona cases to emerge after the survey is complete. Hence, there must be constant watch to avoid spreading the pandemic.

This post was published on May 27, 2021 6:31 pm