Take strict measures to eradicate child labour system: ADC

Mysore/Mysuru: “It is important to create awareness among the public about the evil practice of employing children as labourers by staging street plays. We must join hands to eradicate child labour system in our society,” opined Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) Dr. B.S. Manjunathaswamy.

He was addressing a meeting at the Deputy Commissioner’s Office auditorium regarding the upcoming ‘World Day Against Child Labour’ celebration on June 12 with the theme “Universal Social Protection to End Child Labour.”

The significance of this Day is to pay attention to the problem of child labour and to find ways to eradicate it. The Day is used to spread awareness about the harmful mental and physical problems faced by children forced into child labour, all over the world.

District Administration, District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) and Labour Department must jointly organise various awareness programmes regarding eradication of child labour completely. Necessary action must be taken to send back child labourers to school. Introduce the Helpline number 1098 to the public, so that they can report any child labour cases they come across, he told the meeting.

Assistant Labour Commissioner Nazia Sultana, Labour Officer Rajesh Jadav, Project Director H.P. Mallikarjun. Senior Labour Inspectors Jayanna, Sreedhar and other Department Officials were present.

This post was published on June 11, 2022 6:33 pm