Temporary non-teaching staff of Sir MV PG Centre in a fix

Mysore/Mysuru: Temporary employees of Sir M. Visvesvaraya Post-Graduate (PG) Centre, Tubinakere, Mandya district are in a fix, following the change in guard from University of Mysore to Mandya University.

The PG Centre was earlier functioning under the jurisdiction of Mysore Varsity, but following the decision of the State Government to establish Universities at every district, it was handed over to Mandya Varsity along with movable and immovable assets and teaching and non-teaching staff. However, over 30 non-teaching staff working on a temporary basis at the PG Centre are staring at uncertainty with Mandya Varsity authorities citing legal hurdles to continue their service.

These employees submitted a memorandum at Crawford Hall, the administrative office of University of Mysore on Tuesday and shared their ordeal before media persons.

On the other hand, Registrar of Mandya Varsity had written to his counterpart in Mysore Varsity recently to clarify his stand over the issue.

“While a total of 26 teaching staff and 219 non-teaching staff were handed over from Mysore Varsity to Mandya Varsity along with movable and immovable assets, there is no order related to temporary staff. They have been relieved from service in September 2023 coming under Academic Year 2022-23, with no order related to continuation of their service for academic year 2023-24. Moreover, the non-teaching staff of Mandya University have already moved Court against recruiting any staff of the same cadre,” added Registrar of Mandya Varsity, citing legal complications.

This post was published on March 6, 2024 7:28 pm