‘The Maverick Maharaja’: Biography of JC Wadiyar to be released on Dec. 18

Mysore/Mysuru: Book titled ‘The Maverick Maharaja,’ the first English biography of Mysore Maharaja Jayachamarajendra (JC) Wadiyar, authored by Dr. Deepti Navaratna, will be released at a programme jointly organised by Harper Collins, India and Mysuru Book Clubs-2015 at Hotel Southern Star on Vinoba Road here on Dec. 18 at 11 am. Writer and academician Prof. C. Naganna will speak about the book.

‘The Maverick Maharaja’ is the narrative that draws upon JC Wadiyar’s creative expressions with respect to music, text, prose and writings to narrate in rich technicolour. It is the paradoxical portrait of a Maharaja who embodied the wisdom of the East and sensibilities of the West with great equanimity. It captures a life of great pomp and predicaments and legacies converged on his consciousness.

Dr. Deepti Navaratna is a musician and neuroscientist whose research interests span neuroscience, arts and history. Until recently, she served as the Regional Director, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Bengaluru. She is the first Indian woman to have performed at the Parliament of World Religions in 2021 and the first Indian classical musician to have received a scholarship to study world music at New England Conservatory of Music in 2012. Deepti holds a doctorate degree in Neuroscience and has authored over twenty original scientific research papers.

For further details, contact Mob: 99802-50114.

This post was published on December 14, 2022 6:32 pm