The plight of village boy strikes a chord


The news that we encounter every day is so filled with instances of horror and tragedy that we tend to get inure over a period of time; shrug the momentary emotions it evokes and move on.

However, the recent headline in SOM “Village boy writhes in pain since 3 months with no help from Netas” struck a chord in me, prompting me to write this letter. Thank you SOM for highlighting the issue.

Parents go through so much agony when their child is sick and suffering. What the boy Madesha is going through is a constant excruciating condition. Just imagine his parents’ plight, having to cope with their son’s condition, trying very hard to meet the medical expenses and still not be able to alleviate his suffering.

I appeal to SOM to champion his cause; raise funds and increase publicity for this child.

– Anupama Urs, Yadavagiri, 17.6.2018

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This post was published on July 1, 2018 6:01 pm