Traffic chaos near Zoo: Will City Top Cop intervene?


Time and again, we’ve seen complaints about traffic at the junction opposite the Zoo Garden, yet no action is taken by the Police Department.

It’s Dasara season, and with traffic increasing day by day, the response from the Police is diminishing. This particular restaurant junction is constantly packed with parked cars and scooters on both sides, serving customers.

These vehicles not only block the view for both incoming and outgoing traffic at the corner but also create a one-way situation, making it impossible for vehicles to pass from both directions. Despite a NO PARKING sign, vehicles are still allowed to park at the junction.

Why isn’t the Police taking action? The traffic bottleneck is caused by this illegal parking. When confronted, the Police tell us to mind our own business. I have attached a few pictures to show the sorry state of this road. Viewers can also see an interceptor with an officer standing nearby, taking no action.

Residents are asking if traffic rules apply only to common citizens. Why are influential people exempt from following the rules? Even the watchman of this restaurant confidently allows vehicles to park without fear of the Police.

We can see 6-7 Policemen catching those without helmets near Dasara Exhibition Grounds, and 3-4 near the Aquarium in Ittigegud, yet they ignore the illegal parking at this junction.

Additionally, at the exit of the Zoo underpass, 8-10 autos have set up an illegal stand, creating further disturbance on this main road. Not only do they overcharge tourists, but they also fail to wear uniforms. There is complete chaos from one corner to the other, yet our Police officers are preoccupied with catching helmetless riders!

I urge the Lady City Police Commissioner to take strict action and address the reality of this junction, restoring citizens’ faith in the Traffic Police. We also appeal to our elected representatives to help us find a solution to this never-ending traffic chaos.

—Aggrieved residents, Ittigegud, 22.9.2024

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This post was published on September 27, 2024 5:55 pm
