Traffic Police in deep slumber


With many traffic signals in Mysuru now defunct, navigating the main roads has become increasingly challenging, particularly for senior citizens.

It is puzzling to note that the Traffic Police Department is in deep slumber and has not taken any proactive measures, such as deploying the Traffic Cops  at key intersections where traffic signals are non-functional, to alleviate the difficulties faced by both motorists and pedestrians.

The absence of working traffic lights makes it especially dangerous for pedestrians, who often find themselves at the mercy of drivers adhering to the “might is right” principle.

To enhance safety for everyone, the Traffic Police should prioritise assigning Traffic Police at these critical junctions.

Interestingly, during VIP movements in Mysuru, we often see a significant Police presence managing traffic at regular intervals. However, this same level of attention is lacking when it comes to ensuring the safety of everyday commuters and pedestrians.

It is crucial for the authorities to act promptly to address this issue and create a safer environment for all road users, at the earliest.

– K. Chandraha, Mysuru, 21.9.2024

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This post was published on September 26, 2024 5:55 pm