Tribals dance in gay abandon

Tribals performing at Kalamandira premises this morning as part of Budakattu Utsava - 2021.

Mysore/Mysuru: The Department of Kannada and Culture, in association with Desiranga Samskritika Samsthe, Nele Hinnele and Gowthama Samskritika Mattu Shaikshanika Trust, had organised a colourful Budakattu Utsava- 2021 (Tribal Fest) at Kalamandira premises here this morning.

Speaking after inaugurating the event, Mysuru Zilla Panchayat (ZP) President Parimala Shyam said, “The aim of organising such festivals is to spread the tribal tradition and culture all across the State. The need of the day is that they should get education and become socially, economically and politically more strong and empowered. The administration is keen on tribal development and releasing adequate funds for the same.”

Later, ZP Vice-President  Gowramma Somashekhar and Karnataka Exhibition Authority Chairman Hemanth Kumar Gowda addressed the gathering.

The Tribal Fest hosted over 100 artistes of various tribal teams from distant parts of the State. 

Samagra Girijanabhivruddhi Kala Samsthe of Nagarahole presented Sode Dimmi Nrithya on the stage followed by Gorakana Nritya by Basavaraju and team from Biligirirangana Betta, Yarava Nritya by Prakash and team of Brahmagiri and Aadale Mara Nritya by Anita and team of Koda Male, Nagarahole.

Later, Javaranayaka and team presented light music followed by Hari Kathe by Lokesh and team of Hunsur, mimicry by Gopi and team, dance drama by Sneha and team of Mysuru and drama ‘Patra Tanda Avantara’ by T.K. Mohan and team.

Zoo Authority of Karnataka (ZAK) Chairman L.R. Mahadevaswamy, Kannada and Culture Department Assistant Director H. Chennappa, Mysuru District Journalists Association (MDJA) President S.T. Ravikumar and others were present.

This post was published on February 26, 2021 6:40 pm