Two held for selling fake and porn DVDs

In separate cases, Devaraja and Lashkar Police, have arrested a person each for selling fake and porn DVDs in city on Thursday.

In the first case, Devaraja Police arrested Nagesh, on charges of selling fake and porn DVDs on Jaganmohan Palace Road near Lansdowne Building and have seized the fake DVDs from him besides launching a hunt to nab the other person Jayaram, who fled from the spot.  A case has been registered at Devaraja Police Station in this regard.

In another case, Lashkar Police has arrested Swamy, for selling duplicate and porn DVDs on K.T. Street here and have seized the DVDs from him.

A case has been registered at Lashkar Police Station in this regard.

This post was published on February 19, 2017 4:59 pm