U-Turns on Ring Road turn new Black Spots: Traffic Cop deployed to prevent erring drivers from moving in opposite direction

Mysore/Mysuru: Following the publication of the news item titled ‘U-Turns on Ring Road turn new Black Spots’ in Star of Mysore dated Aug. 18, a Traffic Police has been deployed to prevent heavy vehicles heading towards industrial areas from moving on the main carriageway in opposite direction instead of using the service roads.

Contrary to the designated protocol of utilising the Service Road after executing a U-turn on the Outer Ring Road, Heavy Motor Vehicles (HMVs) were persistently travelling on the main carriageway in the opposite direction. Numerous instances where motorcyclists, motorists and cyclists been caught off-guard, resulting in accidents had taken place.

By rule, vehicles bound for industrial areas from the Outer Ring Road should execute a U-turn at the intersection of Lok Nayaka Nagar and Jayadeva Nagar (close to Sai Exports). Unfortunately, even other vehicle types, including motorcycles and cars, were mimicking the HMVs by travelling in the opposite direction on the main road, in violation of regulations.

Also, most U-turns lack proper design, displaying irregular spacing between service roads, main roads and U-turn points. This inadequacy is frequently cited as a contributing factor to the occurrence of accidents. Furthermore, the sluggish progress of laying gas pipeline on service roads has exacerbated the issue. Road degradation and the installation-related barricades compel vehicles to utilise the main road.

This post was published on August 23, 2023 7:41 pm