UoM Inter-Zonal Men Games 2017-18: PGSC, Manasagangothri wins Kho-Kho title

The men’s Kho-Kho team of PGSC, Manasagangothri, clinched the title by beating Govt. Arts & Commerce College, Hassan, in the final 11-6, of the Inter-Zonal University of Mysore’s (UoM) Men’s Games, conducted jointly by Maharaja’s College and the Dept. of Physical Education, UoM, at the University Grounds here yesterday.

Maharaja’s College, Mysuru and SBRR Mahajana FGC will meet in the final of the Throwball event, while SBRR Mahajana FGC and PES College (Mandya) will meet in the Football finals to be played today.


Kho-Kho: 1st place – PGSC, Manasagangothri; 2nd – Govt. Arts & Commerce College, Hassan; 3rd – NDRK FGC, Hassan.

Table Tennis: 1st – SBRR Mahajana FGC; 2nd – JSS College Ooty Road, Mysuru; 3rd – Govt. Autonomous College, Mandya.

Ball-Badminton: 1st – GFGC, Bharathinagar; 2nd – JSS College Ooty Road, Mysuru and 3rd – Govt. Arts & Commerce, College, Hassan.

This post was published on March 1, 2018 5:49 pm
