UoM VC inaugurates Food Scientists’ annual event

Food Scientists event CFTRIFood Scientists event CFTRI

Mysore/Mysuru: Prof. G. Hemantha Kumar, Vice- Chancellor, University of Mysore, inaugurated the annual celebrations of Association of Food Scientists and Technologists-India (AFST-I), CSIR-CFTRI Campus, at a private hotel in city recently. 

The celebrations also featured memorial lectures and award presentation.

The 64-year-old professional Association is based in Mysuru with 40 branches across India. It has around 4,000 members across the globe. 

Dr. Sridevi Annapurna Singh, Director, Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Dr. A. Jayadeep, Vice-President, Dr. K.V. Harish Prashanth, Secretary and Dr. Naveen Shivanna, Treasurer and the CEC members were also present on the occasion.

The renovated building of the Association, updated website of AFST(I) and its chapter web portal were also inaugurated by Dr. Sridevi Annapurna Singh.

This post was published on March 28, 2021 6:32 pm
