Venkaiah Naidu in city on Nov. 2

To deliver 10th convocation address at JSS AHER 

Mysuru: Vice- President M. Venkaiah Naidu will deliver the convocation address at the decennary convocation of JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research (JSS AHER) on Nov. 2, said JSS AHER Vice-Chancellor Dr. H. Basavanagowdappa. Addressing press persons at Pathrakarthara Bhavan in city this morning, he said that the Vice-President, apart from delivering the 10th convocation address, will also distribute medals and awards to meritorious students at a function to be held at JSS Medical College Campus at Sri Shivarathreeshwaranagar at 4.30 pm.

The event will be held in the presence of JSS AHER Chancellor and Suttur Seer Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Swamiji. Governor Vajubhai R. Vala and District Minister V. Somanna will be the guests of honour.   

A total of 1,668 students will be conferred Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degrees in faculties of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Management Studies, Life Sciences and Biomedical Sciences. About 43 students will share 60 medals and awards for their academic excellence. 52 candidates will receive their Ph.D degrees and 6 candidates will be awarded their super-specialty degrees (Doctorate of Medicine-DM and Magister Chirurgiae-M.Ch). Seven candidates will also receive their Master of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology) degrees. 

JSS AHER Registrar Dr. B. Manjunath, Academic Director Dr. P.A. Kushalappa, JSS Dental College Principal Dr. Ravindra, Controller of Examination Dr. R. Sudhindra Bhat,  Faculty of Life Sciences Head Dr. H. Ravindra were present in the press meet. 

This post was published on October 31, 2019 6:43 pm
