Videos, photo-shoots near Dasara jumbos banned

Mysuru: As people were found making reels, clicking photos and selfies by going close to Dasara elephants which are housed in Mysore Palace premises, the Forest Department has put brakes to it by not allowing public to go near the shelter where these jumbos are housed.

Last week, many people, who had made reels and clicked photos with jumbos, had uploaded them on various social media platforms. The Forest Department took the decision of restricting people from making reels and clicking photos as they (public) used to crowd near Dasara jumbos and venture close to them. To restrict the public from going near jumbos’ shelter, additional Police personnel have been deployed near the place which wore a deserted look yesterday.

Use Dasara jumbos to create awareness

Meanwhile, tourists have urged the Forest Department to make use of the Dasara jumbos to create awareness on wildlife conservation as human-wild animal conflicts are increasing day-by-day.

They have also urged the authorities concerned to at least allow tourists visiting the Palace to move on the path in front of the elephants’ shelter so that they could look at the elephants from a safe distance.

They said that just because some people had made reels and clicked photos with Dasara jumbos, it is not right to restrict everyone and added that the Forest Department should allow people to have a glimpse of the Dasara jumbo squad and continue the restriction of making reels and clicking photos.

Puneet, a tourist from Bijapur, said that the Forest Department should make use of the opportunity and provide all information about the elephants to children, which will help the children gain knowledge about wildlife conservation.

This post was published on September 29, 2024 6:37 pm