Violations by builders: Onus is on MCC, MUDA and buyers too 


This is in response to the news item titled ‘Violations by builders: City apartment dwellers face double property tax” in SOM dated June 27. These violations are nothing new.

RERA (Real Estate Regulatory Authority) was instituted by the Government of India as a guideline and the Karnataka Government passed the Karnataka Real Estate Regulation and Development Rules, 2017, which was notified on 10th July 2017.

Previous governments have on several occasions informed the public to check the credentials and the project with the Mysuru City Corporation (MCC) and Mysuru Urban Development Authority (MUDA). If the buying public does not do that, then it is not the Government’s duty to solve the problem.

However, the MCC and KRERA must ensure that rules are not being broken by the builder. A regular audit of projects under development has to be done by all three departments independently.

As it is the MCC or MUDA who approves the plans and provides the completion report (CR) certificate and Khata, it is incumbent on them to ensure that builders build according to the approved plan and no deviation takes place. This pertains to apartment buildings.

A similar audit should be made throughout the city. All buildings under construction, renovation, additions or modifications must display a notice board with permit number and statement of construction type (demolition, construction of new, additions, renovations, modifications) and completion date. This should apply to all construction works.

Any digging up of the road or covered drain to make connections to drains, sewage or potable/ non-potable water should be restored by the person who digs up the road or drain. We, the people, must be held accountable if that is what it takes to bring discipline or order to our society.

— George Rego, Mysuru, 28.6.2024

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This post was published on June 29, 2024 6:55 pm