Weekly planning is essential to get out of the day-to-day autopilot and start being proactive with your time. Because you need to stop and reflect on what you want to achieve, spend time thinking about your priorities. It makes you take charge of your life and stop putting out fires.

This way, when you wake up in the morning, you know exactly what you will do that day. And this allows you to be much less scattered and make more and better progress towards your goals.

It can be Friday afternoon, Saturday morning, Sunday afternoon, when you know you will have a quiet time to prepare for the week ahead. 

Weekly planning in 8 steps:

Step 1: Review your goals

Step 2: Write down and review all your pending tasks for weekly planning.

Step 3: Review your calendar for the month. 

Step 4. Weekly planning of tasks in your calendar

Step 5: Plan training

Step 6. Review your finances

Step 7. Tidy up your workspace

Step 8. Weekly Menu Planning and Grocery List

Let’s go through the eight steps authors from  paper writing services prepared for you to plan your week successfully:

Step 1: Review your goals

There is no productivity without goals.

 Productivity is doing the right tasks that bring you closer to your goals with the least effort. Productivity is making the most of your time to get results and move forward in your life.

Step 2: Write down and review all your to-do’s for weekly planning

Once you have reconnected with your goals, the next step is to decide what tasks you have to do next week.

This step is straightforward when you have done your planning in a task management tool, as you will only have to select the following tasks you have to do.

But in the meantime, start by simply making a list of everything you have to do for the week—personal and professional tasks.

Take a notepad, a mobile app, or on your computer, and write down everything you have or want to do that week.

Step 3: Review the month’s calendar

To get an overall picture and see any events, appointments, or activities, you need to keep an eye out for next week.

For example, maybe it’s the birthday of someone in your family, and you have to buy a gift, so you write it down as a task.

Step 4. Weekly planning of tasks in your calendar

It is one of the most critical steps. Deciding when you are going to do each task is one of the keys to get it done and not procrastinate.

We will apply time blocking, which consists of setting aside specific hours in the day to do certain tasks.

Here you can watch a video where we explain how to do time blocking step by step.

Open your calendar, Google Calendar, for example, and check: 

 – meetings and events for the next week, and make sure you have them all written down. Medical appointments, work meetings, get-togethers with friends?

– choose when you are going to do your most important tasks this week. The ones you have listed in the previous step create a block of time for each of them.
– make sure you also set aside sections for other areas of your life that are important -your habits, time with family and friends, and of course, training time.

Step 5: Plan your training.

In step 5, we encourage you also to prepare what training you will do this week:

Prepare books to read.

Download podcasts that you will listen to while you exercise, walk or do household chores.

Plan the next videos you have to watch.

Anyway, whatever you want, but make sure you always keep learning new things, you know, the basis of every day more and better is constant learning and continuous improvement.

Up to this point, you have practically your week planned. You know what you have to do and when you will do it, but let’s take a few more steps.

Step 6. Review your finances

It’s a good practice to keep control of your money.

Here we are mainly referring to your personal life because you should not do this part if you have a business. You will have a manager or someone in your team to take care of it.

This step is about reviewing your bank accounts’ movements, writing down expenses, seeing if anything needs to be written off, etc.

Step 7. Tidy up your workspace

It means your desk and the room you are in, whether in an office or a home office.

It is much better to start the week with everything tidy and without so much chaos. Because external order also gives you mental clarity and focus.

But not only physical order is essential, but also digital order.

Take the opportunity to organize your computer desktop and folders such as downloads, documents, etc.

And last but not least:

Weekly menu planning and shopping list.

Thinking about what we have to eat every day is usually a big head warmer. 

And if you are short on time, the problem is that you end up eating anything, usually unhealthy.

To be productive, we have to eat right, so it’s super necessary to plan your meals to avoid going fast and having your health and energy suffer.

The first time will take you longer, but once you have prepared a menu for the week, you can repeat it every week or make two and go interspersed to avoid getting bored.

Weekly planning will be much easier if you follow these eight steps to be much more productive. You can add more steps if necessary in your case and complete this weekly planning routine.

We assure you that you will not know how to live without this habit once you try it, and you will notice how your weeks will last much longer. When Friday arrives, you will want to celebrate all the progress you have made.

This post was published on July 19, 2021 6:23 pm