What is the difference between a hijab and an abaya?

Islam is the religion that stands very strongly with the modesty of women. Women are given huge respect and status in Islam. Moreover, Qur’an instructs all Muslim women to dress in a proper modest way to guard them against the evil eyes.

Surely you must have seen many women wearing either a hijab, an abaya, or even a combination of these two. But, are you aware of the basic difference between a hijab and an abaya?

Both the clothing items are a very essential part of Islamic dressing and are thus often confused. Hijab and abaya both act as a barrier but both come with their individual roles for doing so. Yes, there is a significant difference between a hijab and an abaya.

If you too are seeking the relevant information to understand what makes these two items different from one another, then you are at the right place. We are here to highlight the key difference between an abaya and a hijab to help people get a better understanding.

The key difference:

The core difference between a hijab and an abaya is that a hijab is a headscarf that covers only the upper parts (head and shoulders) of the women. On the other hand, an abaya is a long cloak or a robe covering the women’s body. An abaya is worn over clothes while a hijab is directly worn on the head like a scarf.

Many Islamic women choose to wear hijab and abaya to portray their belief in the religion as both of them represent modesty, privacy, and moral values. As a result, both the clothing items are highly popular amongst Islamic women and thus are available in different styles and varieties. You can buy hijabs online on hijabo.in all possible varieties, colors, and styles.

Many women wear clothes loosely fitting the body to fulfill the need of covering themselves. Though, it is a common trend, most traditional women still prefer wearing a proper hijab and abaya as a representation of their strong and firm traditional beliefs.

After a brief introduction of hijab and abaya, let us get to know more about these items in detail. Here is some interesting information that will fascinate you about both items.

What is a hijab?

In Arabic, a hijab stands for a curtain or a screen referring to the rules of covering women in Islam. Hijab is very much similar to any scarf or cloth that covers the head, face, and upper part of the women’s body. It can also be understood as a veil that acts as a barrier between a women’s body and the inappropriate gazing of the evil eyes.

In simple words, the hijab can be seen as a scarf that covers the entire head of a Muslim girl. In various areas, a hijab is also popularly known as Khimar. According to the Islamic rules, a hijab should be worn as soon as a Muslim girl hits puberty.

Hijab is considered essential in front of all the non-Muslims and non-Mahrams. It is only an exception for the woman’s spouse and all the unmarriageable individuals.

What is an Abaya?

Available usually in black color, an abaya can be described as a long cloak or robe that covers the entire body of Muslim women. Covering the entire body, it is generally worn over clothes. It is available in a loose fit and is extremely comfortable to wear.

Abaya comes in different styles and varieties. Some may contain embroideries, while some are available with a soothing hood. In other words, an abaya can be classified as a traditional hijab that follows the basic covering rules and needs of a Muslim woman.

Thanks to its comfortable design, abaya can easily be worn over any kind of clothes. It comes with a crossover opening in the front which gives it a stylish and convenient touch. It is made with soft materials like georgette and polyester fabrics.

Can hijab and abaya be worn together?

For all of those who are wondering if a hijab and abaya can be worn together, yes, it is possible to pair both of them together.

This is especially done for abaya which comes without a hood. Women pair their abaya with a hijab (head scarf) to cover themselves completely from head to toe. You too can pair these two together for getting the utmost comfort while standing strong on your religious beliefs.

The combination is hugely popular in Arabic countries; however, it is being adopted by many other parts of the world.

Final Thoughts:

The difference between a hijab and an abaya is quite considerable. Both the clothing items fulfill different needs for Islamic women. Besides focusing on covering and protection, these clothing items help to establish a firm connection with the Almighty.

Modern dresses are interpreted differently which significantly has increased the need for hijabs, abaya, and many other outer garments. The different styles of hijabs are seen trending all over the world.

We hope the information will be of great help to all those in need. If you still need any other information or details, then please leave us a comment. We will respond to your query with our best available knowledge.

This post was published on March 22, 2021 6:21 pm