What Kind Of Sport is The Best For The Child?

Image: Pixabay

Today, dads and moms should know very well that by enrolling their child in sports school, they contribute to the maintenance of excellent physical and mental development. However, the choice of a particular sport must be very careful.

It is not in vain that there are and are constantly being improved special methods to learn the child’s propensity for a particular sport and to recommend the best age when it is possible to send him to sports school.

The benefits of sports

In fact, sport is physical activity that kids need, and physical activity is an excellent way to direct the activity of the child in the right direction. In addition, sports will allow your child to acquire very useful skills (strength, agility, speed, flexibility and more).

Conditions of choice

If a baby is mobile, sociable, easy to contact with others, no fears – the choice is almost unlimited.

If you do not like crowds, probably team sports is not his and it is better to look at the single species – gymnastics, skiing, horseback riding.

If you don’t like water or height, don’t break it by taking it to the pool.

If the children are soft, afraid of arguments, strongly experiencing resentment, different martial arts are not suitable. There are many such “ifs”.

Sport for children 3-5 years old is a game:

There is a strong desire to copy adults, and the teacher can be a perfect example;

attracts beautiful paraphernalia – suits, equipment.

The thirst to compete and take over appears only at the age of six. The child should enjoy training, watch the results. For this reason, giving the child in sports very young, do not get stuck in one form. Failure to swim – choose football, not matched with dancing – go to gymnastics. PaydayMe may help you if you don’t have enough money for that. As a result, by the age of six he will determine what he likes and will go there with pleasure.

It’s best to be there for the first few weeks. Talk to your coach about going to practice for a while to see if your daughter or son is doing well. If you notice that your child is happy and that the relationship is going well, you can safely leave him there alone.

Choosing a place also has to be very careful. It is necessary to consider a number of points:

the availability of transport;

the remoteness from home;

training time.

If you need to change the daily routine of your daughter or son to attend a particular sports school, it is difficult for parents to drive and take him away, it is better to refuse.

We should not forget that sport for a child is not a daily uninteresting routine, but an entertaining game. Remember that not all athletes are intended to be a champion, so do not require your child to sports successes, and from the heart rejoice in all his victories!

Every age has its own sport.

As mentioned earlier, there is an age for any sport. An excellent example is rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating and so on. Here they take at 4 years of age, because the younger the child, the easier it is to develop the required qualities.

At the age of 4, girls can go to gymnastics. They also start learning to swim.

At the age of 6, if there are no contraindications, you can go figure skating.

At the age of 7 they start to go to sports dances, acrobatics.

At 8-9 years old boys start wrestling classes. Weightlifting should be treated in a very detailed way. In general, you can go here at 10, but it is optimal to do it later. The body is not yet formed, and training can significantly slow down the growth.

This post was published on July 17, 2020 6:28 pm