Why post Traffic Cops at junctions that already have signal lights?


I would like to share some observations and suggestions regarding the traffic management approach employed by the Mysuru City Traffic Police.

It has been observed that Traffic Police personnel are frequently stationed at intersections equipped with functional traffic signals. This practice appears to be an inefficient use of valuable manpower resources, that too now the Police use AI-based cameras at many junctions to catch violators.

Conversely, there are numerous intersections within the city limits where traffic signals are partly functional or non-functional. At these junctions, traffic management is often characterised by disorder and a ‘might is right’ mentality among road users, exacerbated by the absence of Traffic Police presence to enforce order and safety protocols.

There is significant room for improvement in the current deployment strategy of the Traffic Police. It would be prudent to prioritise the deployment of Traffic Cops at intersections without functional traffic signal lights, where the absence of automated regulation poses a higher risk to road safety.

By increasing oversight and enforcement in these critical areas, the Traffic Police can effectively mitigate chaos and enhance safety for motorists and pedestrians alike.

It would be beneficial if the senior officers review the deployment strategy, with the aim of reallocating resources to areas that most need direct traffic control. This proactive approach will not only optimise the effectiveness of the Traffic Police force but also contribute significantly to reducing traffic-related incidents and improving overall traffic management within our city.

In some locations, Traffic Cops can be seen comfortably seated under traffic umbrellas, busy with their mobiles or chit-chatting with shopkeepers near their duty location.

A couple of junctions where the Cops are seen sitting comfortably inside the traffic umbrella are at the junction of Temple Road and Hunsur Road, and the Vijayanagar and Hunsur Road junction near Aishwarya Petrol Bunk. One of the most chaotic junctions where there are no Traffic Police is at Gokulam Road and Hunsur Road junction.

I am hopeful that the Department will take positive steps to enhance traffic safety and efficiency in Mysuru.

– K. Chandrahas, Mysuru, 25.7.2024

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This post was published on August 5, 2024 6:55 pm