Will CESC stop wanton destruction of trees?


I wish to bring to the notice of the authorities concerned that the CESC is regularly engaged in wanton destruction of mature trees across the city; and trees in Parks are no exception.

Instead of pruning branches that might touch over-hanging cables, mature branches are being cut using sickle.

CESC staff do not heed to saner counsel of concerned citizens who have nurtured the trees for decades and century. Might be, they do not wish to abide with extant laws.

Instead, CESC can lay cable in underground ducts. If telecom company can lay underground cable, why not CESC?

Lower maintenance charge arising as a result of laying cable in underground ducts and reduction in T&D loss being incurred by CESC together will offset incremental cost over a period. Where there is a will, solutions are aplenty.

– Aravind Subramanyam, Mysuru, 27.5. 2017

This post was published on May 31, 2017 6:40 pm