Winners of Online Project Exhibition

Online Project Exhibition at GSSSIETWOnline Project Exhibition at GSSSIETW

Mysore/Mysuru: The students of ATME College of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics, have won first prize in the Inter-collegiate Online Project Competition organised by GSSSIETW, Mysuru, on Aug.13. 

More than 40 Project Teams participated in the online event and demonstrated their project work. Among the above, two final year Project Teams from ATMECE have received Best Project Work Award and a Cash Prize for the project titled “Development of Glass Cleaning Robots for Buildings.” This project was carried out by H.R. Karthik, B.V. Shwetha, B. Jayakumar and  K.R. Pooja under the guidance of H. Swapna, Assistant Professor, Department of EEE.

The College also got Best Project Presentation Award for the Project titled “Automated Fertiliser and Seed Vending Machine” presented by B. Sangeetha, M.K. Sharath Subrhamanya and R. Tarun under the guidance of R. Shreeshayana, Assistant Professor, Department of EEE.

This post was published on August 25, 2020 6:22 pm
