Women, children found begging rescued

Beggars back on streetsBeggars back on streets

Mysore/Mysuru: Five women and 10 children who were found begging in city have been rescued by the Anti-Human Trafficking unit of the Mysuru City Women’s Police Station, Children’s Special Police units, District Children Protection unit, Labour Department and Children Helpline-1098 yesterday.

The women and children were found begging near K.R. Circle, City Bus Stand, B.C. Lingaiah Circle and KRS Ring Road Traffic Signal light and have been shifted to Sthree Sevanikethan in Vijayanagar 3rd Stage, Girls Balamandira and Boys Balamandira.

DCPs Pradeep Gunti (Law and Order) and M.S. Geetha Prasanna (Crime and Traffic) and Devaraja Sub-Division ACP Shashidhar guided Women’s Police Station Inspector V.D. Mamatha, Sub-Inspector S. Jayakumari and staff Mamatha, Rathna and Shwetha, Anti Human Trafficking unit staff Sudarshan, Shivakumar, Mahesh, Nagendra and Padmavathi, Rukminiamma of Children’s Special Police unit, Bhaskar and Vijay M. Naika of District and City Children Rescue unit, Prem Kumar and Nitesh Kumar of Children Helpline-1098, and others took part.

This post was published on August 22, 2021 6:30 pm
