Women wrestlers of Mysore Varsity

The women’s wrestling team of University of Mysore (2016-17) which will be taking part in the All India Inter-University Women’s Wrestling Championship to be held at Ch.Devilal University, Sirsa, Haryana, from Feb. 22 to 27. Seen in the picture are (from left – standing) M.M. Shruthi, K.M. Sahana, E. Nayana, K.S. Rakshitha, S. Bhoomika, B.P. Bhuvaneshwari and Nirmala; (from left – sitting) A.V. Nisarga (Captain), L. Manjappa (Coach), Dr. P. Krishniah (Director in-Charge, Dept. of Physical Education, University of Mysore) and P.S. Madhusudan (Manager).

This post was published on February 20, 2017 4:35 pm
