Yaduveer Wadiyar performs Banni Puja

Titular head of erstwhile Mysuru Royal family Yaduveer Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wadiyar performing Banni Puja at Palace premises in city last evening.

Mysore/Mysuru: In the wake of ‘Jumboo Savari,’ titular head of erstwhile Mysuru Royal family Yaduveer Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wadiyar performed the customary ‘Vijaya Yatre’ and ‘Banni Puja’ in the Palace premises yesterday.

Yaduver began the day by performing ‘Uttara Puja’ at the Palace’s Kalyana Mantapa in the auspicious Tula Lagna between 6.13 am and 6.22 am. Later, Yaduveer, along with the sword (Pattada Katti) kept in the Golden Adda Pallakki, took out the customary Vijaya Yatre to Sri Bhuvaneshwari Temple in the Palace premises during the auspicious Tula Lagna between 7.20 and 7.40 am. Thereafter, Yaduveer performed puja to Banni tree in Sri Bhuvaneshwari Temple, following which Prasada was distributed to frontline Palace staff.

Subsequently, Yaduveer was brought out of the temple by the temple staff and the sword, which Yaduveer carried, was kept in the Golden Adda Pallakki. Yaduveer offered a salute to the sword when Police Band played Royal family’s Nadageethe ‘Kaayo Sri Gowri’, thus marking the end of Vijaya Yatre.

Picture shows Yaduveer Wadiyar performing Ayudha Puja at the Mysore Palace on Thursday.
Trishikha Kumari Wadiyar with her son Aadyaveer Narasimharaja Wadiyar watching the rituals underway at Palace premises yesterday as part of Vijayadashami celebrations.

This post was published on October 16, 2021 6:37 pm
