YAI Junior Nationals 2024 sailing events from Aug. 5

Royal Mysore Sailing Club, in association with Royal Madras Yatch Club and Karnataka State Sailing Association, under the aegis of Yatching Association of India (YAI) and respective Class Associations, has organised YAI Junior Nationals 2024 (Ranking Event) sailing events from Aug. 5 to 10 at Krishna Raja Sagar (KRS) backwaters. The regatta is open to all boats/ boards of clubs affiliated or registered with YAI and the respective Class Associations and whose subscription/ dues are fully paid up and also international participants.

Last date to register for the event is Aug. 3. Competitors and support staff should send the entry forms by e-mail before the last date to royalmysoresailingclub@gmail.com. For details, contact Manoj Joshi on Mob: 91580-02646 or log on to https://yaiyouthna tionals2024.wordpress.com /yai-youth-nationals-2024/

This post was published on June 20, 2024 6:05 pm