Zikre-e-Shadath-e-Imam Hussain celebration tonight

As part of Moharam month, Zikre-e-Shadath-e-Imam Hussain celebration will be held at Hazarath Char Baras Key Peer Dargah at Bada Makan near Tipu Circle today at 8.30 pm. The celebration will be held under the patronage of Hazarath Mohammed Syed Shah Ashfaq Peeran Khadree Shatarie and Sajjad Nasheen, Bada Makan, Sardar Chowk. National scholars and Islamic clerics Hazarath Moulana Mohammed Faisal Hudavi and Hazarath Basheeruddin Chisty Refai Naghasbandi from Kerala will speak on  the occasion. Mass feeding has been organised after Namaz-e-Isha prayer.  For further details, contact Mob: 78927-33917 or 81237-63822, according to a press release.

This post was published on September 4, 2019 4:13 pm