3-digit Vehicle No. plate is a defective one!


We received a Traffic offence notice by the Police based on a ‘Public Eye’ photo sent to them about our car registration number plate bearing three digits, terming it as ‘defective’ and asking us to pay a fine of Rs.100  which we paid at V.V.Mohalla Traffic Police and promptly got it changed to four digits: From KA 09 MB 626 to KA 09 MB 0626.

If three-digit vehicle regn.No. plate is defective and also an offence, how come even the newly-added Police cars are having a 3-digit number plate (see photo) leave alone quite a number of private vehicles with three-digit number plates.

Then is it not right and necessary that vehicles with three-digit number plates, particularly of Police, correct the defect by changing it to four digits?  In fact, certificate of registration card issued to Vehicle Owners by RTO bears four digit numbers. One can have a look at their registration card.

Let us adhere to the rules and regulations of the Government.

– K.Vijaya Kumar, V.V.Mohalla, 17.3.2017

This post was published on March 20, 2017 6:45 pm
