Accentuate the home corners

The first impression we derive when we look at anything gets registered in our brain and this imprint remains forever. Similarly anyone looking at your home will register the feel of your space and be influenced by it.   It could be a beautiful painting or a vase, it could be your carpet, desk, and sofa, sculpture or anything or it may even be the smell as they enter your home. At times what is visible could be pleasant and generate a good feel, and sometimes it could be a very disturbing feel and make the person feel sick or uncomfortable.

Even if your living space is cramped and tight, you don’t need to sacrifice on your style and utility but make it multi-functional and beautiful by adapting the techniques of Feng Shui.

Every person, place and thing is alive with the universal energy called “Chi.” Everything is connected by this vital energy which is always changing. When we integrate the Feng Shui principles into our live, we see and interact with the world in a new powerful way.

Aligning your interiors and space can simulate a feeling of largeness and counter the ill-effect of cramped space and Feng Shui enables you to achieve it in a simple and intelligent way.

As we continually interact with our personal space it has a profound influence on the quality of our lives both on a conscious and subconscious level. It is a mirror reflection of who you are and your life circumstances. The internal environment that we live in, plays an integral part in creating the external aspects of our lives. You regenerate yourself if your internal environment is a place of balance and harmony that nurtures your feelings of inspiration, security and peace. As with our human bodies, the healthier the bodies of our buildings are, the more they empower and support us in living a rich, creative, and      joyful existence.

Chi-enriched and balanced environments attract all kinds of benefits and positive opportunities. The Chi that moves through the spaces where you live or work is of vital importance to your health, prosperity, relationships, and many other areas of your life. Balancing and enhancing your environment today brings these benefits to you now and is one of the best ways to energise and manifest your goals and dreams for the future.

  • Clutter and mess is anathema to the rules of Feng Shui interior decorating. A messy home or office can block and ward off positive Chi.
  • Plants can be used to good advantage in home decoration.
  • It is best to avoid sharp cornered objects and excessive overhead lights when trying to incorporate Feng Shui in interior decorating.
  • Bring in more light, adding more light fixtures like rope lights; book self light, floor lamps, and wall sconces.
  • Use mirror opposite a light source such as a window to maximise the natural daylight and enlarge the space and to cover your couch and sofa.

Every room of our house plays an important role in our lives. Feng Shui interior decorating tips that can have a great impact on many      aspects of your life.


This post was published on January 1, 2018 6:48 pm