Ahead of Dasara: High-tech sex rackets flourish

Mysuru; Ahead of Dasara, sex services in city has gained momentum and hi-tech groups are operating in and around the city, soliciting customers. When a customer calls such groups seeking sex, they direct him to come to a spot and make payment online, before he is led to a hotel or a house for a fixed time.

Following a report in media about such services, Star of Mysore contacted the City Police Commissioner’s office where sources admitted that special teams of informers have been constituted to curb flesh trade. City Police Commissioner Dr. A. Subramanyeshwara Rao, however, said that the high-tech prostitution racket has not come to his notice.

Reports say that there are many organised groups who are operating in Mysuru and they get clients from Bengaluru and other places. Interestingly, the people in such groups have cleverly adopted technology to advertise sex service and also receive payments through widely-used payment portals. Some advertisements also claim that they have a wide network and operate in a “safe” atmosphere which is even “inaccessible” to the Police.

The groups operate through a network of pimps who do not reveal their real names and use pseudo-names whenever a potential customer calls them seeking sex. Once a customer calls the number that has been advertised online, he is informed about the age of the girl and the location from where she has to be picked up. As  the deal is finalised, the customer is told to pay online and send back the payment reference number and the screen-shot of the payment made to the pimp’s mobile phone.

Media reports say that among the favourite pick up points in city are near a famous educational institute at Bannimantap and at the prominent junction on the Mysuru-Bengaluru Road. Reports said that pimps offer “special packages” during Dasara and as all tourists may not carry cash all the time, money is sought through online portals involving internet banking and where debit cards are used.

Speaking to Star of Mysore, a source from the City Police Commissioner’s Office, who did not wanted to be identified, said that the Department was aware of such gangs operating beyond city limits. “We have been collecting information through local informers who are keeping an eye on such activities,” he said.  A list of pimps and their contact numbers has been prepared and they are under watch, he added.

Massage parlours that clandestinely solicit customers, beauty parlours, lodges on the outskirts are under constant vigil. “All lodges have been directed to install CCTV cameras both inside and outside the buildings and they have been asked to accept and verify identity credentials provided by customers and only then give them possession of rooms,” the source said.

Also on the Police radar are paying guest accommodations where girls stay. “Antecedents of the girls are being verified along with their purpose of stay in city,” he said.

This post was published on August 30, 2017 6:58 pm