Ambedkar Development Corporation invites applications for loan

Mysore/Mysuru: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Development Corporation has invited applications from SC candidates for distribution of loans under Industrial Entrepreneurship (Udyama Sheelata) Scheme and Micro-Credit Prerana (Self Help Groups) Scheme.

The applicant must be a resident of Karnataka and belong to SC community. The annual income of the family of applicants residing in rural area should not exceed Rs. 1.5 lakh while in urban areas it should not be more than Rs. 2 lakh.

To avail loans under Udyama Sheelata Scheme, candidates must be aged between 21 years and 50 years while under Micro-Credit Prerana (Self Help Groups) Scheme the age must be between 21 years and 60 years. None of the family members should be employed in any Government or Government-aided institutions. Candidates should have not received any facilities from the Corporation.

Under Udyama Sheelata Scheme Rs. 50,000 will be given as subsidy and loan of Rs. 20,000 will be sanctioned to buy two-wheeler and three-wheeler goods vehicle for self-employment. The remaining amount will be sanctioned as bank loans under the service coverage of the applicant with conditions. The applicants must have Driving Licence.

To avail loans under Micro-Credit Prerana Scheme, a Self Help Group must at least have 10 women who must have BPL card and Aadhaar card. Only registered Women Self Help Groups with bank accounts can avail benefits.

Each candidate of the Self Help Group can avail Rs. 25,000 (Rs. 15,000 subsidy and Rs. 10,000 loan). One Self Help Group can avail a maximum loan of Rs. 2.5 lakh.

Applications can be submitted by logging on to before Dec. 31,  according to a press release from the Corporation District Manager.  

This post was published on December 26, 2022 6:29 pm
