Auditor couple, CA accused of cheating Rs. 3.14 crore

City industrialist files complaint at Vijayanagar Police Station

Mysore/Mysuru: An industrialist from city has lodged a Police complaint against an auditor couple and a Charted Accountant (CA) for allegedly cheating him of Rs. 3.14 crore and also submitting fake and fabricated audit report to the Government for which he has landed in trouble now. 

The complaint has been filed at Vijayanagar Police Station by S. Sharatchandra, the owner of ‘Playwood Industries’ where he has stated that auditors K.B. Murthy and his wife Rashmi Murthy had siphoned off the money that was actually given by him to pay the Commercial Taxes Department.

He has accused the couple of not paying the Commercial Tax and also submitting a fake and fabricated audit report to the Government after getting it certified by CA N. Sundar Rajan. 

In his complaint, Sharatchandra has stated that he ran wood business through ‘Playwood Industries’ and also owned Nanjundeshwara Timber along with his wife K.R. Anitha, who is a silent partner in both the industries. The auditing of the industry accounts from 2015-16 to 2019-2020 was handled by  K.B. Murthy and his wife Rashmi Murthy and the same was certified by Sundar Rajan. 

He stated that a total of Rs. 1,61,32,147 was handed over to Murthy and Rashmi Murthy on a monthly basis to pay Commercial Tax and also GST. The money has allegedly not been remitted to the Department and subsequently, on Jan. 22, 2021, the Commercial Tax Commissioner issued a notice to him after scrutinising the accounts of both the firms. Only then Sharatchandra realised that the taxes and GST were not paid, he said in the complaint. 

Due to the alleged default on the part of Murthy and Rashmi Murthy made in connivance with CA Sundar Rajan, he now has to pay the Government Rs. 3,14,13,857 including the Rs. 1,61,32,147 that was already handed over to the auditors and Rs. 1,52,81,710 that has been imposed as GST fine and accumulated interest, Sharatchandra has stated in the complaint. 

He has urged the Vijayanagar Police to take action against the auditor couple and also against the CA for the alleged fraud. 

A case has been registered by Vijayanagar Police and investigations are on. 

This post was published on June 27, 2021 6:31 pm