Banner mania in Bogadi !


Our one-time beautiful Bogadi village road is now turning notoriously infamous into a banner road. There is not a day on which we can see the stretch without some banner or the other.

I am surprised how the authorities give permission to put up huge cut-outs of local residents for their birthdays with at least minimum 20 people in that print wishing the person and will remain until someone else’s birthday or next event comes up making it literally a continuous bane.

The worst hit is the Bogadi bus stand. As it is, the place is surrounded by petty shops forcing the bus to literally occupy most of the road and to add to it every event will have a huge banner just in front of the bus stand tied to an electric pole making the bus stand useless.

With due respect to the people who like to make their personal affair like a birthday public, if they could use the cost of banner to help a child in his/her education what more can  India ask for.

I sincerely request the concerned authorities to be more stringent before giving permission to any banner to come up in the stretch. Upon enquiring many local shop owners and residents in the area, it was no surprise that everyone were against the banner mania.

– Raghu, Roopanagar, 18.2.2017

This post was published on March 14, 2017 6:52 pm
