Bengaluru doctor runs 3 km to perform surgery

A video grab of Dr. Govind Nandakumar running to reach the hospital for surgery.

Stuck in a traffic jam, surgeon leaves car with driver on the road and runs

Bengaluru: Traffic in Bengaluru makes it impossible many times for people with urgency to commute, forcing them to stay put for hours inside their vehicles right in the middle of the road. However, one doctor decided to beat the traffic and reached his patient in need and for this, he dumped his car on the road and literally ran to save the life of his patient.

On Aug. 30, Dr. Govind Nandakumar, a gastroenterology surgeon at Manipal Hospitals, was on his way to perform an emergency laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. However, the traffic came his way and he was stuck on the Sarjapur-Marathalli stretch.

He realised the delay could put his patient in danger and so he left his car behind and ran the remaining distance in 45 minutes to perform the crucial surgery. On normal days, that distance would have taken him about ten minutes by car.

He decided to abandon his car and he ran three kilometres to save the life of his patient. The determined doctor also posted a video clip on Instagram showing him running on a busy Bengaluru street. Dr. Nandakumar knew it was not just the female patient waiting for the emergency gall bladder procedure, there were other patients too awaiting surgery that day.

His team got into the act as soon as the doctor steamed into the hospital, the surgery went ahead as planned and the patient was discharged on time.

“I had to reach Manipal Hospitals in Sarjapur from Cunningham Road. I left home well in time for the surgery. Due to heavy rains and water-logging, there was a traffic pile-up a few kilometres ahead of the Hospital. I decided to leave the car with the driver and ran towards the hospital without thinking twice,”  the 44-year-old doctor told reporters.

Netizens appreciated him for his swift action and resolution. “Huge respect for the commitment exhibited! Truly inspirational, ” wrote one person.

This post was published on September 13, 2022 6:38 pm