Bi-Annual Newsletter ‘GI Talk’ released

Mysuru: The Department of Computer Science of MMK&SDM Mahila Maha Vidyalaya, had organised a one-day workshop on ‘Android application development’ for the final year students of B.Sc and BCA here recently.

Principal of the College Prof. Sainath Malligemadu inaugurated the workshop. Professor and the HoD of the MCA of PES Engineering College-Mandya Dr. H.P. Mohan Kumar was the resource person. He focussed on how to develop Android application, data storage in Android and uploading the App in Play Store.

On the occasion, Dr. Mohan Kumar released the  20th issue of  Bi-Annual Newsletter ‘GI Talk’ of the Computer Science Department.

S.K. Ramya, Asst. Professor of Computer Science, welcomed and introduced the resource person to the gathering. K.S. Skurutha, HoD of Computer Science and Convenor of the Workshop, proposed a vote of thanks.

M.P. Nayana, Asst. Professor of Computer Science, compered. V. Rajitha gave the feedback about the workshop.

This post was published on February 5, 2018 6:22 pm
