Brand Mysuru: Entries invited to design Logo, Tagline

Mysuru:  Mysuru city has always been a brand right from the time of the rule of the Wadiyars and Mahamta Gandhi himself called the reign of Nalwadi Krishnaraja Wadiyar as ‘Rama Rajya.’ As the inhabitants, business and institutions have a new sense of purpose and direction in the pride of the city, the District Administration with this background, is planning to build a brand for Mysuru.

Addressing a meeting of officials recently, Deputy Commissioner D. Randeep said that they plan to build the brand for Mysuru along the lines of Bengaluru, inviting logo designers to participate in an open competition, which will also include the tagline for Mysuru.

The main aim of creating a Brand Mysuru is to see that it results in a positive impact on investment, job growth, higher returns on investment in real estate, infrastructure and events, he said and added that for the coherent development of the city, the physical, social, economic and cultural aspects must combine to deliver the brand promise. The logo should encompass Mysuru’s core values, characteristics, aspirations and truest distinctions and establish insights into the needs of global audience. The winner will be rewarded with Rs. 50,000 cash prize. However, if two separate entries are finalised — one for the logo and another for the tagline — then the prize money shall be divided among the two equally (Rs.25,000 each), said the DC.

The rationale both in Kannada and English should not have more than 50 words and it should describe the concept, theme and symbolic elements and also give a tagline, he said.

The last date for submitting entries is Feb.9 at 5 pm. Each participant can submit only one entry and if any participant or participants submit multiple entries, it will be rejected.

The entries can be submitted only through email to:

For details, contact Deputy Director, Tourism Department, First Floor, Hotel Mayura Hoysala or call Ph: 0821-24422096. For terms and conditions email:, said H. Janardhan, Deputy Director, Tourism Department.

This post was published on January 29, 2018 6:38 pm
