C.M. Ibrahim and C.K. Nanu expelled from JD(S)

Bengaluru: Former Union Minister C.M. Ibrahim (who was removed as Karnataka State JD(S) President) and JD(S) National Vice-President C.K. Nanu of Kerala have been expelled from the party on charges of anti-Party activities.

JD(S) National President and former Prime Minister H.D. Deve Gowda expelled the two leaders at the Party’s National Executive Meeting held here yesterday.

Ibrahim was sacked as the State JD(S) Chief in October following his outbursts against the Party leadership.

Deve Gowda said that the Party’s decision to align with the BJP was taken in the presence of Ibrahim and Nanu. But the two leaders opposed the alliance in the later days, which was against the Party’s decision and also started issuing statements against Party leaders. Hence, the two leaders have been expelled from the JD(S) for anti-Party activities, he said.

Former CM and State JD(S) Chief H.D. Kumaraswamy and Party representatives from different States attended the meeting.

This post was published on December 10, 2023 7:34 pm