As the joyous Christmas season unfolds, we are reminded of the beauty of togetherness, the strength of community and the power of hope. At this special time of year, we want to extend our heartfelt wishes for a Merry Christmas.
Christmas is a season of joy and peace. It’s the sparkle of lights that brighten our streets, the laughter shared with loved ones and the joy found in giving, not just gifts but also our time, care and kindness. It’s a season that calls us to reflect on life’s blessings, to celebrate the bonds we share and to carry the spirit of generosity and goodwill into the year ahead.
This festive season offers a chance to pause amidst the busyness of life, to cherish the moments that truly matter and to reconnect with what brings us joy. Whether it’s the delight of a child opening a gift, the warmth of a proximity of a loved one or the quiet comfort of a peaceful evening, Christmas invites us to savour the simple yet profound joys of life.
Christmas is not just a historical event; it is much more than that. It is the expression of God’s love for humanity. Christmas is not a feast celebrated by Christians alone.
Almost all the people of the world celebrate Christmas in their own way. Let this Holy season remind us of the importance of unity, compassion and the power of a kind word or gesture. In a world that sometimes feels divided, Christmas reminds us that the things that unite us — love, hope and humanity — are far greater than the things that separate us. Let us continue to support one another, celebrate each other’s successes and face the future together.
We wish and pray that your Christmas be filled with real joy and may Jesus Christ whose birthday we celebrate enrich us all with his countless blessings.
Merry Christmas one and all! And a blessed New Year to all.
—Archbishop Emeritus Bernard Moras, Apostolic Administrator, Diocese of Mysore
This post was published on December 24, 2024 6:44 pm