Christmas message by Bishop Rev. Dr. K.A. William

Mysuru/Mysore: Christmas is once again at our doors and this year, the feast comes as a welcome breeze after a silent storm. People are going through anxiety, stress and discomfort of the pandemic, wearing masks constantly and maintaining social distancing. Our normal relationships are also affected and our gatherings, even in Churches and places of worship, are discouraged. It is as if, even God is far away from us. In such a gloomy atmosphere, hopefully when things are better off, Christmas comes to us with an added assurance of hope – Emmanuel –  God with us.

Christmas has always been a time of joyful celebration all over the world, irrespective of the people’s faith traditions. There may be hundreds of reasons why people could be sad and desolate, but the thought of Christmas cheers our hearts. As we celebrate Christmas, let us remember the blessings of God towards us throughout this year.

To our human understanding, the situation seems to be a Godless one, but in the eyes of God, there is purpose and meaning for everything that happens in the world. God’s ways are far beyond the human grasping power.

Even in such a fearful atmosphere of the pandemic, God has been present amidst us and he continues to be with us. Christmas is the celebration of the transcendental God becoming human, to liberate the suffering and forsaken humanity. ‘For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son,’ that we may have life eternal; Christmas is the time to celebrate the humble love of God. To express the unconditional love, God sacrificed His only Son by sending him to be born amidst us, to offer his own life as a ransom to save the humanity. This great love of God calls each one of us to see the presence of God in our brethren.

I wish everyone a very Happy Christmas. May this feast fill us with joy, peace and new hope amidst the gloom of the pandemic. Let us welcome Jesus, the Saviour in our hearts, in our homes and the neighbourhood. May Christ be born in our hearts; may this Christmas be a season to find Christ in each other and build a universe of love, peace and joy.

May we keep aside the envy, pride, hatred, revengeful attitude, selfishness and other evil inclinations, so that we may lay the foundation for a newer and better society at this Christmas. May this Christmas bring good tidings, may the pandemic come to an end and the people return to the total normalcy  at the earliest.

May God bless you and your family.

—Most Rev. Dr. K. A. William, Bishop of Mysore

This post was published on December 22, 2021 6:39 pm