Deal honestly with coffee growers and Bagar Hukum farmers

Post-lockdown, workers find coffee picking, masonry more profitablePost-lockdown, workers find coffee picking, masonry more profitable

By K.B. Ganapathy, Sr. Journalist

Mysore/Mysuru: It is obvious when this subject of coffee growers and Bagar Hukum was discussed in the Karnataka Legislative Assembly yesterday by the honourable members and the mention was made of Form 50, 53, 57 relating to the years of 1991, 1999 and 2018, one could assume that a large majority of members present and hearing the debate did not understand what it was all about just as the literate and illiterate farmers who read the newspapers or came to know of it through word of mouth.

Politicians in their public discourses and speeches make hollow promises and express lip sympathies to the poor farmers steeped in debt and caught in the web of corruption to get their property documents and title deeds in proper legal order. This is important because it is only through legally valid documents they could pledge, mortgage or sell the land to raise money for their personal or family needs.

Unfortunately, from the debate it is clear that the politicians who ruled us all these years conceived the idea of resolving these problems of encroachment and Bagar Hukum, discussed about it no end but never delivered.

It is hoped this time round young and dynamic MLAs like A.S. Ponnanna and Dr. Mantar Gowda along with A. Manju, an experienced Legislator, will untie this Gordian Knot, not in the conventional manner but in the manner of Alexander  the Great.

I look forward for the day when I can see these three MLAs possessed with the spirit of Alexander the Great to solve the problems of Karnataka farmers once and for all.

This post was published on February 23, 2024 7:41 pm
