Empowering aspirations through symbols

Known as the Imperial Guardians, Fu Dogs are actually stylised lions and will serve as guardians of your home and wealth when placed facing main doors.

Feng Shui corrections are based on the compass directions, afflictions and effect of the immediate surroundings and luck of the occupants. Once we have an understanding of all these factors and data in the form of property layout, compass directions are available the possible ways one can overcome the ill effects can be explored.

Adapting Feng Shui one can do a quick analysis of the home or workplace and ascertain where the beneficial sectors are situated in the home and activate them and also looking for the problematic areas or bad sectors and correcting them with appropriate cures. By adding elements and symbols in specific areas one can attract positive Chi  or energy into the place of work or home.

There are few simple methods in activating the kind of aspiration you have, say for example if its work place, you can create more  job opportunities, you can achieve this by suspending at a good sector of your work place preferably North, three metal Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon.

Ensure coins are from a prosper phase or era and you can also generate self support by having a photo of mountain behind your work chair.

Similarly, if one is aspiring to activate love or marriage luck, identifying the good sector in the home to support this aspiration and empowering it with appropriate symbolism would help. To activate relationship and marriage, one can place at the appropriate sector rose quartz heart or a pair of mandarin ducks, but ensure that the correct element for the specific sector is used as element are the most important aspect of any remedy or cure.

With the growing popularity of Feng Shui symbolism, the traditional school of Feng Shui based on compass and formulas have also gained popularity as both go hand in glove and symbolism cannot exist without a proper understanding of the directions and the five elements in Feng Shui.

There are many traditional Feng Shui symbols and calligraphy. Most of these symbols can be found in the form of a statue or as paintings in mainland. Adapting these symbols are good, however, one needs to be careful when selecting the symbols as going overboard with symbols creates nothing more than clutter.

Symbols do have a deeper meaning and from ancient times, they have been used quite effectively in creating a harmonious place. Some of the popular Feng Shui symbols are as follows:

• Crane: Symbolises good health and long life  and  when placed in your home or bedroom it empowers this aspect of your life.

• Dragon: Symbolises authority and brings in excellent career luck.

• Fu Dogs: Known as the Imperial Guardians are actually stylised lions and will serve as guardians of your home and wealth when placed facing main doors.

• Lucky Bamboo: This a good symbol to attract money and wealth. Place a Lucky Bamboo plant at the front entrance of your home.

• Three-legged Toad: The three-legged toad is a protector of wealth and also attracts great abundance into your life  when placed on the floor.

• Turtle Dragon: This icon is the harbinger of great luck and tremendous wealth.


This post was published on May 27, 2019 7:28 pm